Tiny Target
You can play the game at fightlessbirds.itch.io/tiny-target. Click/tap the targets as fast as you can! However, you’ll be penalized for misses. The target gets smaller with each hit. This was made as a submission for Lame Jam 46. Credit to @zako950 for the target image. I used it to learn Cerberus X’s tweening library. I…
Maze Game
Back in February I joined a game jam for BASIC-style programming languages. I was working with the theme of “maze.” Although I didn’t finish the game in time for the deadline, I did learn a bit on how mazes can be generated using different algorithms. My maze is generated using a simple reverse depth-first search…
Bird Hop
Bird Hop is a 2D runner game that I made with BlitzMax-NG. You control a cute little yellow bird and jump over obstacles. The speed gradually increases to raise difficulty. This game was submitted to the “Finally Finish Something” game jam on itch.io, which ran from January 1st to February 14th 2021. Bird Hop was…
Outer Space Jellyfish Panic
In October 2017 I took part in a game jam called “Beginner’s Jam.” I used BlitzMax-NG to make a simple arcade space shoot-em-up (SHMUP). The concept was admittedly simple, but it helped me get the project done before the jam’s deadline. Making this small game was good practice for BlitzMax, and helped me learn some…
Coded in 2016, Avoid was my first game with a high score system. It uses Python 3 and pygame. The player controls their character with the mouse and avoids contact with enemy sprites. Gradually more and more enemies flood the screen and it gets intense. When the player finally collides with an enemy they are…